First off, this is my first Blog. I hope anyone that reads this is not expecting literary genius. This is a place for me to post my random thoughts, hopes, dreams, psychoses, well you get the idea. I've been wanting to start one for a while... so here goes.
This is posted in my Facebook profile. But I thought I would like it to be here as well, just so everyone has an idea of what to expect from me.
I'm Magical.
I'm a nerd and damned proud of it. I love my family and friends fiercely, they are amazing and have helped and supported me more than I can ever repay. I love life, I live for the many wonderful adventures that life can bring. I sing pretty well all the time, I love music, and I have been known to break into song and even dance on random occasions. I am opinionated, not about politics or anything nonsensical like that. The really important stuff, like the best way to make chocolate chip cookies. Just kidding, I also have a strange sense of humour, I love to laugh and smile, usually not AT people. I hate monotony, mean people and drama. If you fill any of those categories, don't bother with me. I'm a pretty easy going person, but most definitely not the door mat type, so don't even try. I like what I like, if you like that too well then great! If not, don't try to change me, I like who and what I am, and I'll be damned if I'm going to be untrue to myself. I enjoy anything fun, and hate anything boring... a pretty simple concept but one people tend to forget. Oh, and I'm a smoker, and I enjoy it, so if you don't that's fine, but I don't want to hear about it. No bigger turn off than being told how unhealthy you are... really people, don't you think I'd call you doctor something or other if I wanted your advice on my health? And if all this doesn't scare you off, then we may perhaps be friends =D
So that's me. Well in a nutshell anyhow. I write this after waking up from a well deserved 14 hour sleep. In preparation for session of D&D I pulled an all nighter cleaning and decorating my apartment. It looks damned pretty now. Well I think so, but then I suppose I'm biased seeing as I have to live in it. And I feel very accomplished, it's one more thing I can scratch off the seemingly endless 'To Do' list I've created for myself. Among those things are; learning the Japanese Tea Ceremony, creating a House, working on a database, working on my army, making garb, re-learning the piano, and re-reading the LOTR trilogy. /sigh I could literally go on for hours. But I'm not gonna!
Last night's D&D session was great. Well, it had a few technical difficulties. One of our players lives not in this city, so we had him on a Skype video call, as it turns out, my apartment needs more light. Though it did work out. Oh and second rule of fixing computers, always wiggle the cables. My friend and I are co-DMing the campaign. First time either of us have tried that. It worked well. Thankfully we both have pretty much the same vision for the campaign, so there was only one minor power struggle =P Ok not so much a struggle, it went like this;
player: so where's Mailea's room? (Mailea is my NPC)
Dungeon Monster: She hasn't picked one yet
Dungeon Mistress (me): Yes she has! She's in room 3!
Dungeon Monster: No she hasn't
Dungeon Mistress: Yes she has, are you arguing with the DM?
Dungeon Monster: I am the DM! oh, wait, ya you're right...
player: ooooooh first power struggle!!
Ya, so that was the extent of our arguing. It was entertaining. Or at least I thought so. We get along great, so it was much fun. Lots of laughs and spirits were high. We're running an evil campaign. So it's really interesting the depths to which our players will go to fulfill their evil heritage. They're pretty creative actually. But more on that as it progresses.
At some point today I will have in my hot little hands... yes that's right... WoTLK!!!! Huzzah! I'm so excited! (For those of you who have no idea what that means, it's the newest expansion for World of Warcraft; Wrath of the Lich King.) Level 80 baby! So no one's going to see me for a while. Or like, ever. Or until I get bored of it. Don't judge me, I told you I was a nerd. A Big Nerd.
Alright, I think I'm done, if I don't stop soon this will dissolve into mindless babbling, which although amusing does not paint an accurate picture of the sorts of things I usually talk about.
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