Wednesday, February 25, 2009

It's not a Race, it's a Marathon...

So the last week or so I've been walking everywhere. And when I say walk I don't mean 2 blocks. I mean at least 5k a day. It's nice that now my pants fit better, but holy hell getting healthy sucks. You know, if it was enjoyable I think more people would do it.

This year (not as a New Years resolution mind you) I've decided to become healthy. I try to eat a healthy and balanced diet, I exercise and I'm looking into quitting smoking. The times when I'm not sore and miserable from the use of my very underused muscles I do feel much better.

And this isn't about the way I look. I like the way I look, I'm comfortable with my body and it's various assets and deficits. This is about the way I feel.

Now don't worry, I'm not going to turn into one of those crazy health nuts that insists on explaining that eating those potato chips will clog up your arteries and cause the equivalent of a nuclear meltdown in your digestive system. Though that would be funny.

No, I just want to do this for me. So that I feel good, have energy and hey maybe even live a few years longer than I would have otherwise. This is quite the challenge for me, as I've never before given much thought to my overall health. I pretty much did whatever I wanted, ate whatever I wanted... whenever I wanted to. Being health conscious is a shift in mentality I have so far noticed. It doesn't require counting calories or being obsessed with the .5 inches you put on over the last week. It requires you to be active, avoid excess and have fun, the last one being I think the most important.

If you're not enjoying your life than it really doesn't matter if you can stick to a 2000 calorie diet or if you go to the gym everyday. If you're not happy than you're missing out on the best part.

To sum up; I want to be healthy to better enjoy my life. And so far I think I'm doing a pretty good job. I haven't set myself any unreasonable limitations or goals, I just care now. And I would encourage everyone to do the same. You don't have to cut out 'junk food' or run for 10 miles everyday, just make sure that what you're doing is part of you being able to enjoy life now and 10, 20 or 50 years from now.

And now I'm going to drink more coffee.

Yeah right, like I would give up coffee?



Monday, February 23, 2009

I'm like a Firecracker

On Sunday evening I enjoyed a few hours of song and script at the somewhat monthly Northwood Park Church of Christ 'Almost Open' Mike Coffee House. These are always a blast. Everyone that wants to is usually able to go up and tell a story, read a poem, do magic tricks, sing a song, whatever tickles their fancy. Normally I take some of my poetry and read it. However most of my poetry is miserable at best, or an insolvable cryptic mystery at worst. So I decided to read the last entry in this blog. It went over very well, probably due in part to people being able to understand it.

I never intended this division of styles, but it would seem that all the intense and emotional writings are saved for my poetry and all my philosophical ramblings are placed here; in the Red Room.

To further prove my point I will now continue with more philosophy.

I enjoy reading my poetry, I write it to help calm my soul. It gives me a creative outlet for the many issues I have had or am dealing with. Some of it is discernable as an easily understood metaphor, at least to those that were present during the occurence of which I am writing about. And having said that, I enjoyed far more reading that one little blog entry. My poetry I write for me, it is selfish in that way. I don't write it for people to understand it, I write it so that I may better understand myself. Whereas my blog, I write to entertain others. In the song 'Circus' by Britney Spears there's a line that sort of fits what I'm trying to say here; "There's only two types of people in the world, Those that entertain and those that observe." I believe I fit into the first catagory. It is infinitely more enjoyable for me to ensure that others are entertained than to sit back and observe.

Now to tie it all up, in case anyone was wondering, I do realize my logic is somewhat haphazard and roundabout. O_o

When I read that entry to the audience, it was evident that they were enjoying themselves, they were attentive, and not once did a look of confusion cross their features. That is what I write this for, not to be pretentious, not to impart some grand piece of wisdom, and most especially I do not write it for me. I write it for you. To entertain you. To place a smile on your face, I write it for those few moments where you may read it and simply forget all other worries and cares and be engaged. Now some may read this blog and snicker or laugh, some may disagree with my points of view, and some may read it and be left with some insight. No matter what the reaction is, I believe that it has served its purpose. Because if you've read this far, then for at least 2 minutes of your life you were entertained.

Maybe not well... but entertained nonetheless.

I would also like to point out that I am an ENFP. And as such it is my life goal to be annoyingly entertaining, at least in written form.

And a Pisces.

But that just means I'll believe anything, that and I enjoy long walks on the beach.

So if you don't like what you read, feel free to flame me. I'm not overly fond of flamers, but at least I have a clear indication of what I need to change. And if you like what you read don't feel the need to post anything at all. I will take your silence as confirmation of the fact that I am the most entertaining blog writer out there.


/end [shameless self advertising]

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Team Fortress

Yesterday evening the Belegarth crew and I went out and started off 2009 with some fighting.

In the snow.

In below freezing temperatures.

And it was awesome!

Now I must admit that I didn't want to go at all, the idea of playing a full contact sport in the middle of the winter did not exactly appeal to me. The entire walk to the park I was trying to come up with some sort of reason to leave early... the only reason that really came to mind was the indisputable fact that it was cold. However, on the walk there I warmed up so much I had to take off my jacket when I arrived. We had 2 solid hours of wintery fun with foam weapons. I had forgotten how much fun it was to play in the snow.

When I was young I played outside all the time, making snow forts, skiing, and a myriad of other youthful snow activities. And so during one of the games I suggested that our team make a snow fort, complete with pine needle decorations and tiny snow angel guards. Hence our team became 'Team Fortress'. We weren't the best team, not the worst either, but heck we had fun.

It came to mind when we made the fortress, that that is what true teamwork is about. It's more than just fulfilling obligation or duty, it's about the camaraderie, the memorable moments. Even though building a snow fort gave us no advantage whatsoever in the game itself, it did serve a purpose. It gave us a common link, something other than winning to be concerned with. During those few hours we bonded. And in years to come we may never remember who won the games, or even what games we played, but we will always remember the fortress.

And that is what is important in life really, not exactly what you achieve in life, but how you live life.

That and cookies.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Did you hear that? It's probably the Crabs....

Recently I had the opportunity to play in, you guessed it, a D&D campaign.

Now what's different about this one in particular is as follows;
The game world is a strange mixture of rules from Warhammer, D&D 2.0, D&D 3.5, D&D 4.0 and maybe some GURPS thrown in there too.

Essentially the DM took the best of all the rules and squished them all together and out came the single most enjoyable gaming experience I've ever had.

I played a turnip farmer named Clementine from the small village of Hoardale. The group of us (3 farmers and an apprentice blacksmith) were inadvertently recruited to be part of the local Duke's mercenary company. We went to the training camp and spent 6 hours of real time going through the day to day of being trained as a warrior. What was especially interesting is that unlike any other gaming system, instead of choosing what we want the character to be and assigning points, stats, feats etc. We were given improvements to our character from the DM based on what we did during the game. Which meant that if I wanted my character to grow stronger, I had to roleplay it. It was loads of fun, and I'm looking forward to playing again.

The whole experience has opened my eyes to new possibilities within table top RPG's. Since I've always enjoyed the roleplaying as opposed to power gaming, this system really fits with my style. I hope that in my future endeavors as a DM I can put this system to use.

The most memorable part of the game was a town song created by one of the players in reference to the towns favorite activity (sung to the tune of 'Oh Christmas Tree');

'Oh bashing crabs!
Oh bashing crabs!
It's fun until they bite you!'

"Crabs don't bite..."

Followed by the traditional Hoardale response...

"Shut Up!"


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Tea and Crumpets

So here I am, back again... look who's back, tell a friend.

Alright I'm finished being corny.


Anyways, I've finally returned from my sabbatical. I needed some time to think, to work things out etc. etc. And during that time I have come to some interesting conclusions about myself, my life, the world and everyone and everything in it.

Not that I'm going to post that all here mind you. That would take a while, and I'm quite sure that no one wants to be consumed by the giant wall of text that would be the outcome of my monologue.

For those of you who have a Facebook account, I'm sure you've noticed the near spam-like note that has been going around entitled '25 Random Things'. The idea behind it is that the writer of the note posts 25 random things about themselves and the people they tag in the note are supposed to do the same. The result being that I've learned a lot of interesting things about my friends and family as of late. I did it as well, and I was surprised by how long it took me to accomplish it. I spent over an hour and a half writing down 25 things about myself that 1; weren't too personal and 2; most of my friends didn't know. So I thought I would post it here just for fun.

1. My favourite movie of all time is 'The Princess Bride'. I've always dreamed of someone loving me as much as Westly loved Buttercup.

2. I love cheese. A Lot. Of almost any variety. Definitely my favourite food.

3. I love to write. Also, I proofread all my work by reading it aloud to music. Several times.

4. One of my favourite things to do around the house is clean the floors. There's just something incredibly zen about mopping.

5. I hate playing first person shooters. They're scary as hell.

6. Up until 2 years ago, I avidly made fun of people who played D&D. I take it all back, as now that I actually play it I think it's the greatest game ever.

7. When I was little I wanted to be a ballerina.

8. I've never truly hated anyone in my whole life. I don't believe I have the capability to hate, I can't even stay angry at anyone for very long.

9. Music is an integral part of my being. I listen to music 24/7, it helps me get through the day.

10. I think vegetarianism is a ridiculous concept. Seeing that they live, die and reproduce... doesn't that make them alive? Doesn't that also mean that when we eat them we are eating the byproduct of mass murder?

11. I'm still waiting for my white knight to come along and ride off with me into the sunset.

12. I can't wait to be 30. I think it'll be grand fun.

13. I'm lactose intolerant. Just still in denial.

14. More than anything in the world, I can't stand to be alone.

15. I am truly thankful for all the friends I have, and I thank God everyday that I have them.

16. My favourite flower is the lily. Coincidentally (or not) it is also my Belegarth symbol, and I have 2 tattoos of lilies.

17. I carry a package of Kleenex with me everywhere.

18. I laugh at myself often. I figure if I do it first then it won't be so bad when other people do it. Which they inevitably do.

19. My favourite colour is purple.

20. I like to snack on 'healthy' food.

21. When I say 'I love you', I mean it. And those that I love I would do absolutely anything for.

22. I can type quickly and correctly on a QWERTY keyboard without looking.

23. I believe.

24. My living room curtain is made of suede.

25. Nothing is impossible. It's always worth it in the end. There is a silver lining. Everything does happen for a reason. Just wait and see, live life to live it, not regret it.

So there you have it, 25 random things. I did enjoy writing these things down, not nearly as much as I enjoyed reading other peoples though. In this way the internet is a marvelous tool, it gives people the opportunity to reveal things about themselves that may not otherwise come up. The anonymity factor of it is the key I believe. It gives people a place where they can be honest about themselves, their interests, goals, dreams and ideals. Now if only we could all start doing that in person we may find ourselves on the road to the next stage in human evolution.

Or we might just get really annoyed with people.
