Wednesday, December 31, 2008

You want me to drop what?

So here it is... almost 2009.

I'm currently waiting for friends to show up so we can start making with the merry. This will be the second New Years party I've been to. Hopefully this one will be better than my previous experience. It was on that day that I should have had my eyes opened to my, then, current friends.

This year, 2008, has been monumental. I cannot think of a better word to describe it. In one year my entire life was turned upside down and backwards.

I started the year a very miserable person with a life that was less than wonderful. I had spent 10 years in a very unhealthy relationship, with a life style that was not the kind of thing you wrote home to mom about. I was unhappy, unhealthy and constantly disrespected. To be fair this whole series of events started in the summer of 2007, during that summer I met many wonderful people who have since become very close friends, most of whom kept me going when all seemed for naught. But I digress. In a strange and somewhat ironic series of events my husband left me in August. Despite the fact that it truly was for the best, I was still heartbroken. No matter the circumstances it still hurts to be rejected, even if it's by someone whose opinion doesn't count for much anyways. A few months before that I had been offered the position of Stage Manager for the theater production of 'Zastrozzi' that our crew (long live Belegarth!) was putting on. It was with the taking on of those duties that I finally began to change and see things for what they really were.

I had lived so long in misery, mistreated and convinced that that was the way things were supposed to be, that I truly didn't know any better. I thought that my life was a good as it was going to get. That being disrespected was part of being in a relationship. So... (wow I ramble) from May to August I worked on the play 26 hours a day, and in doing so spent most of my time with the actors and the crew. People that treated me with respect, valued me for who I was, actually listened to me in conversations and most importantly didn't try to manipulate me in any way. They treated me like a person. And that was when everything changed.

From there I developed confidence, I wasn't afraid to speak my mind or look someone in the eye. And those very same friends who helped show me those things helped me through the next several months. There was a lot of things that had to be sorted out, and no matter what happened my friends were there.

On the surface it would seem that 2008 was a terrible year. Many terrible and heart wrenching things happened in it. However, despite everything that happened, I came out of it a much better and happier person.

To all my friends; you are all amazing, I couldn't have accomplished half of what I have without you. You all mean more to me than I will ever be able to fully express. I will never forget all that you've done for me. To Shogun and Amaranth; you two are amazing, thank you for all the wonderful memories, and may we never stop dancing.

So this New Years I will raise my glass to friends, probably the most important thing you will ever have. The family you choose.

I love you all. May you have a wonderful 2009.

Happy New Years!

1 comment:

Tammy said...

A wonderful post of Gratitude...thank you so much for sharing.