Thursday, March 12, 2009

Sugar and Spice and everything nice… Not just for girls

Well, it would seem that I have been a bit of a slacker lately. I blame pandas.

I’ve had an interesting life. The list of things I’ve done far outweighs the list of things I haven’t. It makes for interesting stories. And occasionally interesting blog posts. Yes, I said occasionally ok? And yet so very often I find myself at a loss for what I should write here. There’s a fine line between a good story and TMI. So today, without exposing anyone to anything too personal, I would like to talk about what I believe in.

And no I’m not talking about religion or any such thing.

I’m talking about the core values and ideals I hold based on my personal experiences. So I would like to put forth a list of the 16 most important beliefs in my life that have helped make me who I am.

  • Always respect everyone. Many people think that some are not worthy of respect. That is the furthest thing from the truth possible. How you treat others is a reflection of you. You (as a human being) are not in a place to judge who is worthy or not of respect.
  • Laugh often. Laugh even when it hurts. Nothing is better for the soul than a good laugh. But never forget to temper laughter with respect.
  • Remember proper etiquette. This is more than just knowing which fork to use. Etiquette is about respect, tact and good taste. And if you are not familiar with the concept, find someone who is and learn from them.
  • Be graceful. Everything you do should be done with care. That means no clomping around like a bull in a china shop. It also extends further into the realm of personality. Accept all things in your life with grace. Good and bad times, winning, losing, pain, hatred and rejection.
  • Be a good listener. This doesn’t mean being silent waiting for your opportunity to speak. Actually take the time to actively listen to what someone is telling you. Let them know that you are paying attention by making relevant comments about their subject. Don’t cut them off, and if you do by accident, be graceful and respectful about it and urge them to continue.
  • Be understanding. You may not agree with everything that comes your way. But, it takes but a few moments to see things from another point of view and try to understand it. You will find by doing this that fewer things upset you.
  • Pay attention to details. When you go out for coffee with a friend, remember how much cream and sugar they take, what their favourite food is, their favourite colour. These are the things that remind people that you care. The small things that most people neglect.
  • Never be afraid to learn. When you don’t know something; ask, or go research it yourself. There is nothing to be ashamed of by increasing your base of knowledge. But standing by and being content in your ignorance because of pride will only hurt you in the end.
  • Remain open minded. This does not require you to agree with everything in the world. Just that you are willing to accept that it may not be your belief, but it is someone's. This goes back to respect.
  • Take care of yourself. Think about what people will think when they see you. Always try to look your best, it is as well a reflection of your personality. Looking your best, as a side note, does not mean conforming to popular style. Find your own unique style, or borrow someone else's whatever suits your fancy, so long as it suits you.
  • Love. Love fiercely. If you love someone, say so. Never think for a second that they will just know. Assumption is quickly followed by regret. And never, ever say you love someone if you don’t with all your heart. By doing so you sully the word and make it meaningless to those that you do love truly.
  • Forgive. Don’t let your life be ruled by grudges and bitterness. To not forgive means you are unable to let go of hurts that will eventually poison your spirit. Sometimes it takes time, but always remember “Resolve to be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant with the weak and wrong… because sometime in your life you will have been all of these.”
  • Be honourable. Don’t cheat, steal or lie. Don’t turn your back on those that need you. Don’t sacrifice your beliefs or ideals to make life simpler or easier. Hold true to who and what you are at all times.
  • Be honest. Most especially to yourself. It is far too easy for us to lie to ourselves. This is probably the hardest point to overcome and practice. However a true sense of self is a necessary part in your happiness.
  • Be compassionate and kind. This requires little explanation. Don’t let cruelty find it’s way into your personality.
  • And the golden rule; treat others the way you wish to be treated. This requires following all the above points and truly practicing them.

This is how I try to live my life. I am not perfect, though I honestly do try to be. And though I may at times fail to live up to my standards for myself, I acknowledge it, accept it, learn from it, forgive myself and move on. I truly believe that if we all (we being humankind) practiced these things all the time, we would be living in paradise on earth.

Or at least as close to it as we can be.



Shawn said...

Awesome insight. I myself try to give people as much practice tolerating the intolerable as possible.

Devha said...

Yeah, you would. =P